Mosquitoes (Culicidae) are a thoroughly studied insect family, mainly because of the frequent mosquito bites we all suffer from and the search for mosquito bites treatment.
The mosquitoes belong to a large order of insects called DIPTERA. While most winged insects (PTERYGOTA) have two pair of wings at their adult stage, adult Dipterans have only one pair. There are about 3500 mosquito species worldwide known to science, but their true number is probably higher. It doesn’t mean that all 3500 species of mosquitoes bite us on a daily basis…
Different species can be found in different parts of the world. For example, around 200 species are recorded in the USA, around 80 in Canada and around 30 in the British Isles. The tropics (with very hot and moist whether) include the highest number of mosquito species. Accept the north and south polar areas, mosquitoes can be found anywhere else. Furthermore, not all the species of mosquitoes bite humans.
The side effects of the saliva cocktail injected during the mosquito bites are normally minor swelling, redness and itchy feeling around the mosquito bites. In most cases a local relief with Fenistil ointment or Alovera should be enough. There are many “grandma remedies” in use to treat the mosquito bites but the most important thing is to find what works for you – so you stop scratching the bite.
Mosquito bites and the itchy feeling that proceed are the reason why mosquitoes are a nuisance. If the saliva glands are infected with viruses (like in West Nile Fever) or any other disease factor such as: protozoa (like in Malaria), microscopic worms (like in Dog Heart worms), etc., the mosquito bites can infect the bitten host as well.
This fact promotes the mosquito bites of many species (e.g. the Asian tiger mosquito, many Anopheles species, Some Culex species) to a real risk factor for public health. Adequate mosquito control means are necessary to mitigate that risk and can be used by home owners to help meet this target. See additional details on my recommendation for best mosquito bite treatment.
The mosquitoes belong to a large order of insects called DIPTERA. While most winged insects (PTERYGOTA) have two pair of wings at their adult stage, adult Dipterans have only one pair. There are about 3500 mosquito species worldwide known to science, but their true number is probably higher. It doesn’t mean that all 3500 species of mosquitoes bite us on a daily basis…
Different species can be found in different parts of the world. For example, around 200 species are recorded in the USA, around 80 in Canada and around 30 in the British Isles. The tropics (with very hot and moist whether) include the highest number of mosquito species. Accept the north and south polar areas, mosquitoes can be found anywhere else. Furthermore, not all the species of mosquitoes bite humans.
So why the mosquito bites?
To gain energy, mosquitoes feed on sugars like nectar or fruits. Still, mosquitoes acquire proteins from blood to produce their eggs. Therefore, the female mosquito bites to get her required blood dose so she can oviposit (lay eggs) and thus create more mosquitoes and mosquito bites…What the mosquito bites?
Some mosquito species will look after a wide range of victims, while other will have more specific attraction and may bite mostly humans for example. Some will prefer mammals, some will look for birds and some will even specialize on biting reptiles or amphibians.How the mosquito bites?
The mouth organs of mosquito females (proboscis) construct in a shape of a tubular feeding and sucking organ. Accordingly, the better term for mosquito bites would be mosquito stings. Soon after the mosquito bites and before she starts to suck blood the mosquito female inject with her saliva a cocktail into the host blood. This cocktail prevents blood coagulation and prevents our immune system to attack the proboscis edge.The side effects of the saliva cocktail injected during the mosquito bites are normally minor swelling, redness and itchy feeling around the mosquito bites. In most cases a local relief with Fenistil ointment or Alovera should be enough. There are many “grandma remedies” in use to treat the mosquito bites but the most important thing is to find what works for you – so you stop scratching the bite.
Mosquito bites and the itchy feeling that proceed are the reason why mosquitoes are a nuisance. If the saliva glands are infected with viruses (like in West Nile Fever) or any other disease factor such as: protozoa (like in Malaria), microscopic worms (like in Dog Heart worms), etc., the mosquito bites can infect the bitten host as well.
This fact promotes the mosquito bites of many species (e.g. the Asian tiger mosquito, many Anopheles species, Some Culex species) to a real risk factor for public health. Adequate mosquito control means are necessary to mitigate that risk and can be used by home owners to help meet this target. See additional details on my recommendation for best mosquito bite treatment.
The Secret Behind Mosquito Bites