Ants are considered to be one of the most successful insects. Their social, hard-working and highly organized nature makes them the most attention seeker insect. What attracts several animal lovers is their stay together attitude, i.e., in a colony around 3000 ants live together peacefully. For this reason, the ants are also described as Super organisms as they operate together as a single unit.
Except Antarctica, every continent has been explored by ants. About, 15% of total animal biomass in the Tropical rain forests of Amazon is comprised of them.
Except Antarctica, every continent has been explored by ants. About, 15% of total animal biomass in the Tropical rain forests of Amazon is comprised of them.
Acacia Ants
These ants are so named as they dwell upon the acacia tree. They dwell inside the hollow thorns, and eat the special nectar that is present at the base of the tree leaves. In turn they protect the tree from being eaten away by a herbivore or prevent any parasitic plant growing over the tree.
Acrobat Ants
These ants get this peculiar name due to their habit of running while holding their abdomen high whenever they get threatened. It gives them a look of an acrobat who walks on his hands. These mainly feed on sweet substances.
Amazon Ants or Slave Maker Ants
Furthermore, known as slave raiding ants or Polyergus ants is a reddish color ant mainly found in hot and humid regions. They have an aggressive and sword like mandible, which enables them to defeat the enemy while raiding. They are incapable of caring for the brood.
Argentine Ants
To know about Argentine ants in detail "argentine ants".
Army Ants
These ants are nomadic in nature and don’t make their own nests instead they live in those nests which have been abandoned or natural cavities. These carnivores attack the enemy at night by pulling out its antennae and legs ferociously. However, you will be surprised to know that these army ants are almost blind.
Bulldog Ants or Jack Jumper Ants
Most commonly found in Australia and are well know there for their aggressive behavior. Their venom induces anaphylactic shock. They have high-quality supervision power, and are so alert and are able to track an enemy until 1 yard.
Carpenter Ants
To know about Carpenter ants in detail "carpender ants".
Crazy Ants
Ants are known for their order in which they move, i.e., the trail. The only specie of ants that don’t follow the trail and move in a random direction are called crazy ants. These wander here and there without any purpose and sometimes crawl on cooling surfaces like that of an air conditioner thereby destroying them by short circuit. The crazy ants have long legs and antennae.
Field Ants or Allegheny Ants
These ants are so named due to their habit of making the nests in open areas like field or grounds. These usually don’t invade the house and go foraging in porches, garage or outside places. They feed on sweet substances like honeydew, etc.
Fire Ants
These ants are easily distinguished from the other ants by their fiery red color. The fire ants attack their enemy by stinging them, which may be quite harmful to the victim. They prefer nesting in moist area usually river banks, watered lawns, pond edges, etc. the colony comprises of only one queen.
Ghost Ants or Odorous House Ants
The pale yellow color of this ant’s legs and abdomen makes it difficult for a person to notice the ant, and hence it is named ghost ant. These are mainly found in Florida. They give a tacky smell when crushed that is why they are also called odorous ants.
Gliding Ants
The ability to control their movement during their descent from a tree makes them get this name, i.e., gliding ants. Instead of falling at an unknown place they control their fall and through visual cues, they enable themselves to fall on the tree trunk.
Honey Pot Ants
Due to gorging the abdomen of some ants get swollen up and give a look of honey pot. These ants are called honey pot ants. Like the honey bees, these ants store food however the bees collect the food in nests while these ants store it within themselves. The food is given to other members of the colony when they need.
Thief Ants
These ants are so named because they build their nests close to other ant’s nests in order to steal their food or eggs. They usually have yellowish or brown color tones. A two segmented petiole connecting the thorax with the abdomen is present in them. The worker ants of this species comprise of a large jaw in order to carry food from the nearby regions.
Different Kinds of Ants